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Bus Safety in Low Gear


By Jim Hall
Signal Mountain, TN
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Regarding the April 22 news story "Bus Safety Rules Are Long Overdue, Transportation Board Says": In the article, officials from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration were quoted as saying that the process of enacting regulations to make motor coaches safer should not be rushed. I find this comment remarkably frustrating, as this was the same response I received from the NHTSA when the 1999 study I commissioned as chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board showed that bus safety regulations were inadequate. In fact, the reason I commissioned the study in the first place was that throughout the 1990s, the NHTSA dragged its feet on nearly every recommendation we at NTSB made regarding motor coach safety.

Had the NHTSA taken our recommendations seriously, crash-protection systems to keep passengers in their seats would have been required on all motor coaches years ago, as well as strengthened windows. As NTSB chairman, I personally called for requiring seat belts on all buses. But again and again, the NHTSA has balked, and decades later the studies continue, with no rule-making to show for them. Surely this response seems woefully inadequate to those who have lost loved ones because of this continued inaction.


Signal Mountain, Tenn.





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