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Airbus to study flight data recovery in light of accidents




About one month after an Airbus A330 mysteriously crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, the aircraft maker has begun a study to figure out ways to better recover real time flight data.

The study will include a look at "extended data transmission for commercial airliners, so that in the event of accidents, critical flight information can still be recovered and released to the investigating authorities," Airbus said.

Airbus acknowledged that retrieving an aircraft's black boxes is a "major challenge for the entire aviation community."

At present, there is no way to transmit the data from the black boxes to the ground in real time. Aircraft do contain an ACARS, or aircraft communications addressing and reporting system, which allow maintenance data to be transmitted. But the bandwidth allocated for the ACARS is too low to transmit data from the flight recorders.

Airbus notes that "presently, the only possible means to retrieve information from the (black boxes) is to process them on ground with very specific ground tools." The boxes do not transmit real time information to the aircraft manufacturer, as that "responsibility is managed and controlled by the investigation authorities," Airbus says.

Black boxes are not made by either Boeing or Airbus -- though the manufacturers do need to integrate the technology with the rest of the airplane.

"Boeing supports technology and research that helps enhance the overall safety of the global air transportation system," Boeing spokeswoman Sandy Angers said Monday. "Those efforts include studying possible enhancements to the survivability and accessibility of the black boxes. What's critical is that all aviation stakeholders - operators, regulators and manufacturers - must work together to determine the feasibility and practicality of those solutions."

Airbus says its study will involve industrial partners, research institutions and international authorities on airworthiness and investigations. Head of Airbus engineering Patrick Gavin and head of customer services Charles Champion will lead it.

"Gathering information from accidents is vitally important to further improve the safety of flying," Airbus CEO Tom Enders said in a statement. "Various technical means for reinforcing flight data recovery and data transmission to ground centers are principally available. We will now study different options for viable commercial solutions, including those where our experience with real-time data transmission from our own test aircraft could support the further development of such solutions."

Air France Flight 447's black boxes, which comprise the digital flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorders, still have not been found. When French authorities released an interim report last week on known facts from the crash, which killed 228 people in June, they cautioned that it is difficult to really know what happened without those black boxes.

Airbus did not mention the loss of the Air France flight in its statement.




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